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(912) 376-4982

Women Taking Aim
Copyright 2011

CONTACT UScontact@womentakingaim.com  or  (912) 376-4982

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Text Box: Women Taking Aim is a club that realizes just how blessed we are, and how many others are not. It is for this reason that we incorporate into our activities worthy causes that could use a hand. One of our main charities is Angel Flight, a nationwide organization of volunteers who use their own resources, time and money to fly disadvantaged men, women and children to hospitals and facilities with specialized medical care.  A majority of  these disadvantaged are children.  Pilots donate hundreds of hours, their planes, their money and many other resources without a moment’s hesitation to families that cannot afford the airfare for the patient, let alone other family members. 
Each year, Women Taking Aim chapters are asked to participate in nationwide fundraising for worthy causes; whether it be Angel Flight, Children’s Miracle Network, or fundraising that supports a national non-profit organization which will keep each chapter’s donations in their own communities.
Participate! Volunteer in your community! You will profit in ways you cannot imagine.